Revitalizing Work Habits

Fall is a great time of year to examine your current habits, think about what is and isn’t working for you, and make adjustments. In the midst of back-to-school season, I find myself wanting to examine my work patterns and make a fresh start. Taking the time to evaluate how you are working will not only allow you to be your most effective and productive, but will also help you create boundaries and guardrails to protect your own wellbeing. I am back to using the trusty Pomodoro method which helps to guide my work each and every day. 

Recently, I was thrilled to share my thoughts with Forbes on structuring work days and fighting burnout.  As I highlight in the article, forming healthy work habits has been a key part of my entrepreneurial journey. It’s easy to fall into patterns of overwork. We all have full plates, and there never seems to be an end to the tasks that need to be accomplished. How can we reshape our work lives so that we function at both a higher and healthier level? Here are some of my key insights from the article: 

Know Your Internal Clock

We all know, but can frequently be in denial of, our internal clock. We know the best times in the day for the particular types of work we need to do. Some of us are able to think more clearly in the morning, and this is the time for in-depth project work and making real progress toward goals. If you have an afternoon slump, try to fill this time with less mentally demanding activities. 

Of course, not everyone is able to build their own schedules. You may be forced into long meetings during your most productive time, or have to complete intensive work when your energy levels are flagging. However, I think that even just cultivating your own awareness of your internal rhythms can go a long way toward setting yourself up for effective work, and granting yourself grace and compassion when you have to work in less than ideal conditions. 

Develop a Prompt Response System

In client-facing work, responding quickly is essential. If you receive a message that requires an in-depth response that will not be ready quickly, I think that a prompt acknowledgment of receipt is a good tool that keeps customer service high, but doesn’t derail your own focus. 

This ties in with advice I shared last year on using consistent work habits to strengthen relationships. If tasks can be taken care of quickly, do them, and clear them from your mental load. 

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